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Sunday, 18 December 2011

Jobs in Braithwaite Company Limited Dec-2011

Braithwaite & Company Limited
(A Government of India Undertaking under Ministry of Railways)
5 Hide Road, Kolkata - 700043, India

Braithwaite & Co. Ltd., A Govt. Of India Undertaking under the Ministry of Railways invites applications from Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts :

  1. Dy. General Manager (Foundry)
  2. Manager (ERP)
  3. Dy.Manager (Capital Projects & Cranes)
  4. Dy.Manager (Commercial)
  5. Asst. Manager (F &A)
  6. Engineer (Maintenance)- Mechanical
  7. Engineer (Maintenance)-Electrical
  8. Engineer (Quality Control & Lab)
  9. Engineer (Foundry)
  10. Medical Officer
  11. Personal Secretary- (NUS category)
  12. Supervisor (Cranes)- (NUS category)

How to Apply :  Applications on plain paper with detailed Resume, photograph and copies of all testimonials favouring the candidature may be made to Box No: 182, GPO, Kolkata-700001 within31/12/2011, the last date for receipt of applications. The envelope should be super scribed for the post applied for.
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