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Sunday, 15 July 2012

TANCA 2012 application form sales centres

Application forms can be obtained in the following modes:

IN PERSON: Application form can be obtained IN PERSON by Cash / Demand Draft for
` 500/- for General (` 250/- for SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu on
production of a copy of Permanent Community Certificate card) towards registration fee
at the following Institutions:
1. Examination Centre, Anna University, Chennai, 2. University Departments of Anna
University of Technology Tiruchirappalli, BIT Campus, 3. Govt. College of Technology,
Coimbatore, 4. Muthiaya Polytechnic, Chidambaram, 5. PSNA College of Engineering
& Technology, Dindigul, 6. Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode,
7. Alagappa College of Engg. & Technology, Karaikudi, 8. Thiagarajar College of
Engineering, Madurai, 9. Govt. Polytechnic College, Nagercoil, 10. Govt. College of
Engg., Salem, 11. Kunthavai Naacchiyaar Govt. Arts College for Women, Thanjavur,
12. Govt. College of Engg., Tirunelveli, 13. Thanthai Periyar Govt. Institute of
Technology, Vellore, 14. University College of Engineering, Villupuram, 15. Kamaraj
College of Engg., Virudhunagar.

BY POST: Application form can also be obtained by post by sending a Demand Draft for
` 600/- for general (` 350/- for SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu by
enclosing a copy of Permanent Community Certificate card), (includes postal charges)
along with a requisition letter and an address slip written in capital letters from the
Secretary, TANCA, Anna university, Chennai - 600 025.
REGISTRATION THROUGH INTERNET: The candidates can also register through
internet by logging on to The procedure for registration
is available in the website.
The Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of “The Secretary Tamil Nadu
Common Admission, Anna University, Chennai – 25” payable at chennai drawn
on or after 15.07.2012.

For more details please visit 
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